Soon enough, we’ll be into the last quarter of the financial year, often a busier time for small businesses.

We’ve highlighted some upcoming business lodgment due dates to help you get organised for the next few months.

Lodgement TypePeriod End DateLodgement and Payment Due DateNotes
Activity Statement monthlyEnd of Month21st of the following month
Superannuation Guarantee Contributions31/03/202328/04/2023Check the cut-off date of your super clearing house - they may require payment a few days earlier.
March Activity Statement31/03/202328/04/2023
- For business lodging directly with the ATO
- For agents lodging electronically
Fringe Benefits Tax Return31/03/202325/06/2023When lodging via an agent
Get your FBT records together before the end of March, logbooks, diaries, employee declarations etc
Stocktake30/06/2023-If you must prepare a stocktake for your tax return, plan ahead so you have time and staff available for the task.

Talk to Us About Lodgment Planning

If we’re already lodging on your behalf, lodgment extensions automatically apply. You may have earlier deadlines if you’re lodging activity statements and other forms directly with the ATO. If you need more time to lodge and pay, let us know, and we can help you meet your obligations or arrange a lodgment extension if required.

It’s good practice to plan for your lodgment dates, so you’re always on top of your cash flow planning for ATO liabilities.

Start getting organised now!
